From: Léon de Kort (ProCycling, freelance)
Country: The Netherlands
Conclusion: De Tour of Romandy is a beautyful bike race, but sometimes the travelling time between the start cities is too much…
1. Information on website: Nothing really to complain about
2. Accreditation: Strange to experience that someone of the organization does a double check, after sending all details (press card etc); on the other hand it could be useful to avoid that hobby-journalists enter the race
3. Indication to Accreditationcentre: Good indicated.
4. Live-ticker of the race: Is ok!
5. Workingconditions at start: Not too bad, unless the weather was most of the time terrible and dat made the riders staying too long in their busses
6. Workingconditions at finish: No problems.
7. Pressroom: Most of them were ok
8. Distance Pressroom – Finish. Not always that good. For example the pressroom of the prologue was a little bit too far to pendle between the teams in de streets (big distances) and going back tot he pressroom..
9. Distance Finish – busses of the Teams. At the time trail it was horrible to get te the parking square….almost half an hour walking from the pressroom
10. Internet: A disaster, especially the first days. And the organization did nothing to resolve the problem
11. Information about race in Pressroom: I would say ok.
12. Results: Ok
13. Food or drinks at or near Pressroom: In general it was well organized, especially the raclette was wonderful!
14. Pressconference; Good, no complaints