From: Raymond Kerckhoffs (De Telegraaf)
Conclusion: Some days the teambusses were too far from the finish
- Information on website: It’s ok. You also find on sites likes procyclingstats.com the startlist updated. But RCS gives good informations.
- Accreditation: The accreditation system on the Internet is a little confusing. I’ve alsways problems to do my accreditation for RCS-races by internet. At the races, the organiser offers easy accreditation and makes no problems for the journalists. We’d like to compliment organiser for its work.
- Indications for Accreditation centre: It’s ok. No problems.
- Live-ticker of the race: Good information by RCS and the people of the pressdepartment are really helpful.
- Working conditions at start: Sometimes it’s a problem that the teambusses are too far away from the start. So you got too chose. Or visit the parking from the teambusses or go to the start. At Rieti I couldn’t find the parking of the busses. It was not at the place where it was indicated at the racebook.
- Working conditions at finish: Good workingconditions. It’s also possible to speak with the riders behind the podium, this is very good. In a race like the Tirreno are not too many journalists so everything doesn’t have to be too strict. Only at the finishes at Cascina and Arezzo the busses were too far away. The buses were down the hill or one to two kilometres away. It is at the buses where most journalists speak to the riders because at the finish, the riders rarely stop. It was not possible to speak with the riders at the finish and near the busses. For finishes like this RCS has to find a solution.
The finish in Terminillo in the snow was epic. It was difficult too work here, but the way RCS organized it (compliments too Matt Rendell) was very helpful. Sometimes we accept that at finishes like this the working conditions can’t be optimal.
- Pressroom: It’s ok.
- Distance Pressroom – Finish. It’s ok.
- Distance Finish – Teams buses. See working conditiotion at the finish. Sometimes the busses were foo far away.
- Internet: It worked better than last year. It was now even possible to send videos.
- Information about race in Pressroom: Ok
- Results: Ok
- Food or drinks at or near Pressroom: Perfect. Some days a realy good buffet. Other days you could find some restaurants not far from the pressroom.
- Press conference. Good pressconferences and good translations. It’s possible too ask 6 or 7 questions.