From: Gregor Brown
Country: Italy (Freelance Journalist)
- Information on website: Great. Road maps and stage information was shortly available after route was announced.
- Accreditation: RCS Sport site is complicated. The organiser knows this, but is helping us with accreditation until a new website is available.
- Indication to Accreditation centre: Usually easy to spot with RCS Sport’s pink La Gazzetta dello Sport bus. The address is typically found on the race website in the race guide.
- Working conditions at start: Rain forced riders to stay in their busses more than normal this year. In fact, the organiser sent a communiqué urging teams to come to the sign in area earlier for the media and public. The distances from the buses to the start is at times too far. The organiser is aware as AIJC explained this issue.
- Working conditions at finish: Pretty good. Live TV was available every day and busses were normally nearby.
- Pressroom: Generally good. Drinking water was hard to come by at times. Soap was sometimes missing in the bathrooms. Food was provided on most days and was usually delicious.
- Distance Pressroom – Finish: Generally it was fine. The press room on the opening team TT was far away.
- Distance Finish – busses of the Teams: Again, generally it was fine. The opening day was the hardest.
- Internet: RCS Sport charges around 80 euro for internet for the week. Sometimes, it does not work or is too slow, especially given it is not free. AIJC asked the organiser to provide free internet, especially for its one-day races Lombardia and Sanremo.
- Information about race in Pressroom: TVs were provided and worked well. The race needs an official live race ticker, however.
- Results: On time, though works tossed the paper sheets into work area and created clutter. Consequently, some important results were hard to find or missing.
- Food or drinks at or near Pressroom: Locals provided lunch every day except for the first and last day. It ranged from fair to great.
- Press conference: Every day they were on time and included the stage winner and race leader. Some times, under pressure of the team, they were rushed.
- Amount of professional and non-professional journalist: The race attracts a few non-pro journalists. On the last day, some journalists were seen asking Nibali and others for autographs.