Il Lombardia 2013

From: Raymond Kerckhoffs
Country: The Netherlands (De Telegraaf)
Conclusion: Good organization. Pressroom far from finishline.

  1. Information on website: Like all RCS-races this is ok.
  2. Accreditation: I’m one of the few journalists who has always problems with the accreditation at the RCS-website. So also for Il Lombardia I had to send an email to Matteo and Steffano. Other journalists said that they didn’t had problems with their accreditation. So, maybe this is my mistake.
  3. Indication to Accreditationcentre: Good indicated. Not many parkingplaces at the Saturday.
  4. Live-ticker of the race: Is ok!
  5. Workingconditions at start: Perfect. Busses near the startline. Easy to talk with riders.
  6. Workingconditions at finish: No problems.
  7. Pressroom: Good pressroom, only too far from the finish.
  8. Distance Pressroom – Finish. This was too far. But for the first time I got to say that the shuttle-service from the pressroom to the finish realy worked good. T
  9. Distance Finish – busses of the Teams. It’s ok. Because the bad weather it was difficult to talk with riders.
  10. Internet: Not good, not bad. But RCS please stop that journalists and photographers have to pay internet for a oneday race. In 2013 this is not done anymore.
  11. Information about race in Pressroom: You could follow the live ticker on the site. And you could follow the race on television on a big screen. And the Tour-radio was also in the pressroom.
  12. Results: Ok
  13. Food or drinks at or near Pressroom: Perfect. The best press-buffet of the year! Complimentes.
  14. Pressconference; Professional pressconference with Joaquim Rodriguez. Enough time to ask your questions.
  15. Amount of profesional and non-professional journalist: No problem!