From: Raymond Kerckhoffs
Country: The Netherlands (De Telegraaf)
Conclusion: Good organisation, good working conditions and a nice race
- Information on website: Eneco Tour has an professional website with good and update informations.
- Accreditation: Accreditation system works without problems. Marc Van Landeghem is de Press chief. He’s a for the most people a well known person. Most people did the accreditation directly after they had received an email from Van Landeghem to accreditate for more different Belgian races.
- Indication to Accreditationcentre: Good indicated.
- Live-ticker of the race: Is ok!
- Workingconditions at start: Not to many people at the starts so it’s easy to talk with everybody at the buses or even at the startline.
- Workingconditions at finish: No problems.
- Pressroom: No problems.
- Distance Pressroom – Finish. Almost every day near the finish. In Brussels it was a ten minute walk. And in Geraardsbergen the distance between the pressroom and the pressparking was a little bit far.
- Distance Finish – busses of the Teams. Only at Geraardsbergen they were far away from the finish.
- Internet: It worked good. Some days it was a little bit less, but it always worked at the the critical moments.
- Information about race in Pressroom: You could follow the live ticker on the site. And you could follow the race on television on a big screen. And the Tour-radio was also in the pressroom.
- Results: Ok
- Food or drinks at or near Pressroom: Perfect. Good service with drinks and sandwiches. Even in the VIP-area the journalists were allowed to have some food.
- Pressconference; Professional pressconferences.
- Amount of proffesional and non-professional journalist: Van Landeghem puts a lot of attention that only professional journalists will be in the pressroom and work at the start and finish.