From: Raymond Kerckhoffs
Country: The Netherlands (De Telegraaf)
Conclusion: Good organisation, good working conditions and a nice race.
- Information on website: Harelbeke is one of the races of Flanders Classics. Sites of all these races are uniform with good and update informations.
- Accreditation: Accreditation system works without problems. Marc Van Landeghem is de Press chief. He’s a for the most people a well known person. Most people did the accreditation directly after they had received an email from Van Landeghem to accreditate for more different Belgian races.
- Indication to Accreditationcentre: From the Pressparking the mediacentre is not good marked. This could b ebetter.
- Live-ticker of the race: Done by the editors of Het Nieuwsblad. Is ok!
- Workingconditions at start: Busses are not far away. I only don’t understand why the Press must walk over the bridge to the busses behind the fences. The road is very big so there’s space enough to seperate the accreditated people from the public.
- Workingconditions at finish: No problems.
- Pressroom: Near start and finish.
- Distance Pressroom – Finish. Ok
- Distance Finish – busses of the Teams. Ok.
- Internet: It worked good. No problems.
- Information about race in Pressroom: You can follow the live ticker on the site. And you could follow the race on television on a big screen.
- Results: Ok
- Food or drinks at or near Pressroom: Perfect. Good service with drinks and sandwiches. Local people were very friendly.
- Pressconference; Professional pressconferences with winner Fabian Cancellara and WorldTour-leader Peter Sagan.
- Amount of proffesional and non-professional journalist: Van Landeghem puts a lot of attention that only professional journalists will be in the pressroom and work at the start and finish.