From: Raymond Kerckhoffs (De Telegraaf)
Conclusion: No problems, working conditions were ok. We may be very thankful that Guy Vermeien en Willy Notenbaert are going on with the fantastic job that Marc van Landeghem started.
- Information on website: Available and all the necessary information is on the site. Apparently only in dutch
- Accreditation: It was on the site of E3 Prijs and it was easy too fill in.
- Indication to Accreditationcentre: With the finish at a new place it was difficult too find the direct way to the pressparking and from this parking the pressroom was nowhere indicated.
- Workingconditions at start: As always in Belgium lots of people at the start. Doesn’t make working easier. But pretty okay.
- Workingconditions at finish: No problems. The busses were not far away and it was easy to talk there were the riders.
- Pressroom: Ok. Enough place and a good tv-screen.
- Distance Pressroom – Finish: Finish is nearby and also busses are not that far.
- Distance Finish – busses of the Teams: See previous answer
- Internet: Internet is ok. It was also possible to send a video after the finish. In 2015 this fast internet is necessary in a pressroom.
- Information about race in Pressroom: Live tv-coverage to follow on big screen.
- Results: Available as soon as possible.
- Food or drinks at or near Pressroom: Free sandwiches (not enough) and drinks on spot.
- Pressconference: No problem! Good organized. Questions only in English with Gerraint Thomas.
- Amount of proffesional and non-professional journalist: Ok.
Other remarks
After the sad and unexpected death of Marc van Landeghem we can be very happy that Guy Vermeiren took over the fantastic job of Van Landeghem. The media can be sure that in Belgium races everything is good organized and that you see at most of the races the same press-officers. We may be very thankfull that Guy Vermeiren and Willy Notenbaert are going on with the fantastic job that Marc van Landeghem started.