From: Guy Van Den Langenbergh (Gazet van Antwerpen). Country: Belgium
Information on website
Available and all the necessary information is on the site. Apparently only in dutch
Through Mark Van Landeghem – it works perfectly
Indication to Accreditationcentre
Hard to find if you don’t know where it is but as it is on the same spot since a couple of years, most of the journo’s know where to go.
Workingconditions at start
As always in Belgium lots of people at the start. Doesn’t make working easier. But pretty okay.
Workingconditions at finish
Same conditions at the finish.
A little bit too small. They made it bigger when they say there were to many people.
Distance Pressroom – Finish
Distance to pressroom is acceptable. Finish is nearby and also busses are not that far.
Distance Finish – busses of the Teams
See previous answer
As often in Flanders internet is okay as long as photographers are not working. After the race the situation becomes worse. Not enough band-capacity, I think.
Information about race in Pressroom
Live tv-coverage to follow on big screen. Couldn’t be better.
Available as soon as possible.
Food or drinks at or near Pressroom
Free sandwiches and drinks on spot. Okay!
Winner Sagan prefers to speak Italian although his English is okay. Paolo Barbieri, pr Team Cannondale, made the translation into English in which lots of nuances got lost.
Amount of proffesional and non-professional journalist
Fairly big as E3 is the main race ahead of Tour of Flanders.
Other remarks
Pressofficer left the press room when he finished his job, not when we have finished our job. It is my conviction that someone who is responsible for a pressroom, should stay until last.